Remarkable History


The Pilgrim Fathers



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The Pilgrim Fathers

in exile in Leiden, Netherlands.


Some days ago I had some time left,

while I was in Leiden, Netherlands.

In Leyden I studied mathematics and physics.



I walked through the inner city of Leiden

and found the memorial for the Pilgrim Fathers.



The tablets are fastened upon the Saint Peters church

from where the Pilgrim Fathers left to cross the ocean.


The Peeters church rises up in the middle of the little

streets of the inner city of Leiden.



Many times I passed by the First Tablet

when walking from Kamerlingh Onnes Physics Laboratory

to the Academy building for my Mathematics Lectures.

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The tablets are placed in a very worthy square

on the wall of the Saint Peters Church

on this ancient square the castle

of the judges of Leiden is standing,

the 's Gravensteen.

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The old castle of Gravensteen.


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First Tablet of

the Pilgrim Fathers:

Beschrijving: First tablet Pilgrim Fathers


From Leiden, Netherlands

the Mayflower crossed the ocean in 1620.


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The Second Tablet of

the Pilgrim Fathers.

During their years of exile in Leiden

from 1609 until 1620,

many of the wifes and children died of illness and age.

Beschrijving: Second tablet Pilgrim Fathers

Many Pilgrim Fathers and their relatives are

buried here in the "Pieters kerk" (Saint Peters Church).


This Tablet has been placed there recently (1991?)


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This remarkable fact of history

is worth remembering.


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Updated April 12, 2012


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