Tarot Studies
In Memoriam
Colman Smith
100 years ago on November 19, 2009
Pamela was finished with the design of the Tarot cards!
Pamela Colman Smith
In thankful remembrance.
Pamela designed the Rider
Waite Tarot,
which millions of people are
using daily.
She has opened the deeper
significance of the ancient cards
to the modern times of the
20th and 21st centuries.
Pamela Colman Smith was a very
gifted and spiritual
artist, member of the British
Royal Academy of Art.
She made many inspiring works
of art.
She also designed theater
lay-outs, book illustrations
and as far as we know she also
Most of her works have been
Specially thankful we are for
her design
of the Tarot cards now wrongly
called Raider-Waite cards.
She designed 80 cards and only
78 are known.
2 designs have been lost.
From her letters to a friend
we know that
onNovember 19, 2009 she had finished the
and was waiting for the test
She worked on the design of
her 80 cards from April to October 2009.
Her style was direct and living
in a world of visions,
upon the boundary of many
It is almost sure, that she
found inspiration from the very old
Sola Busca Tarot, which was
available in the British Museum at that time.
Still Robert thinks that
Pamela also had guidance from the Goddess
while doing the design of the Rider
Waite Tarot.
She was a member of the
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
She grew up in Jamaica, where
spirituality was and is
very much alive and
Much of her artwork has
disappeared, but Home2b.nl
is very interested in copies
of her work.
Hopefully we will be able allowed
to place some of her works on Home2b.nl.
Her birthday was February 16,
You may e-mail:
Updated July 08, 2009
The copyright of the Rider Waite Tarot
cards is
©1971 U.S. Games
Everything on this website:
Copyright©2002-2009 by Robert and Susan